Mistakes Capital Games Is (Still) Making With SWGOH

Capital Games released a great Star Wars mobile game back in 2015. That has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. Still, you can’t complain if your game made over one billion dollars-just in the last year. However, we the privileged wouldn’t be anything if we did not complain. So, here are the biggest mistakes still being made.

#5: No Ship Raid

I’ve said it before as subtly as I can-ships are a stagnant game mode. They’ve been given crystal rewards for their arena, and tacked onto content to make it relevant, however on its own ships is a significantly weaker source of game content for SWGOH. Perhaps the biggest example of this is the lack of ships relevant for any raid. While the Challenge Pit raid only recently came out, and is the struggle for many guilds, it almost felt like a cop-out; they took already existing content, reskinned and raised the difficulty an insane amount to throw their newest level of investment-the R8 pieces-behind. Every single raid currently in the game is entirely character based, and not so much as a single ship. Now, I know that eventually this may change and we’ll get to do a run on the Death Star, battle AT-AT Walkers on Hoth, participate in the Battle of Scarif, or even do the Kessel Run or other memorable places in the Star Wars Universe, but until then, we’ll all just have to be disappointed at the state ships are currently in. Don’t get me wrong-I deeply love the idea, and fleet arena rewards helps fuel my farm schedule for my next Galactic Legend-but I know that this particular aspect of the game desperately needs to be loved, rather than occasionally thrown a bone by CG.

#4: Sim Assault Battles

Assault battles hold some of the most valuable PVE-content rewards that you can do by yourself. However, as you move upward into those final tiers, the mode becomes less about skill and more about praying to RNG-sus that you don’t get Alderaan’d. There are few things as uniquely frustrating as blowing through the first seven phases perfectly, only to helplessly watch as your full relic team gets torn to shreds. The worst part is that the final tier of rewards are exactly the same as the tier before it, making all that effort you put in (both in farming the characters and their mods to that level as well as the time actually spent doing the event) seem like a big waste of time. The biggest culprit of rude, as many of us know, is the Nightsister/Phoenix assault battle, where even getting past Darth Sidious in phase 4 tier 2 is a miracle. CG has made various aspects of the game simmable, so why not assault battles? Instead of trying to tolerate a game mode, allow us to focus on enjoying the game, especially when the top tiers are so RNG-dependent.

#3: Rework Outdated Characters

Let me be clear: I’m not expecting my Darth Sidious to hit as hard as he does in the Nightsister/Phoenix assault battles (but a guy can dream…). However, there are a significant amount of characters that are so outdated it genuinely hurts to look at them-and throwing a new character to try and make some relevant team (lookin at you, Ki-Adi-Mundi…) doesn’t do the trick. Perhaps a rework of a character every quarter or so may help revitalize teams of the game that players would begin to enjoy. Again-I’m not saying that I want Royal Guard to be arena meta, but throwing him a relevant zeta (maybe some direct synergy with Emperor Palpatine, for example…) would be a genuinely exciting bone you could throw the community.

#2: Outdated Gear Donation

Stun guns. Stun cuffs. Carbanti. Droid callers. Guilds across the globe consistently see these in the gear exchange, and even late in the game, often getting even 1 donated is a blessing. These are the highest gear you can ask for, and after that the ways to achieve other gear salvage is limited. It is yet another aspect of the game left to gather dust, and needs some serious looking at. Gear donation within a guild only helps in the end-while it may be hard to part ways with some stun gun salvage, knowing it’ll be going to my guildmate who is so close to finishing a Galactic Legend farm (which helps them in their grand arena/arena rankings, and our territory wars/territory battles) makes an enormous difference. Take the time, update the gear/amount of gear that can be donated, and let us help our guilds!

#1: GAC/TW Matchmaking Parameters

Oh boy. Of all the issues that we SWGOH players may face, nothing gets us going like this. Isn’t it fun when your entire Grand Arena pairing has multiple GL’s, while you only have 1? Or when the guild you’re facing in Territory Wars has twice the amount of GL’s compared to your guild? Sure, there’s the chance that you may scrape by and pull out the win, however the odds are stacked against you in a way that almost feels malevolent.

When CG introduced GL’s to the game, they knew that would become the new top-tier in terms of power level. Yet the matchmaking for PVP content like GAC and TW hasn’t changed to reflect this, often causing players and guilds to not bother trying, when faced with such adversity. If CG knew the effect they would have on the game, why not make sure that players would be prepared to face such a devastating new power? A fair fight is always more of a challenge than a squash match. The sheer power level of such characters warrants a change, so that more balanced matchmaking can occur.

And there we have it! While the game we love to hate (to love, and then hate again) has brought us countless hours of joy, bonding and fun, these small mishaps could of corrected go a long way towards ensuring the quality and longevity of SWGOH. And, of course, they need to get on that Mace Windu rework…

Published by CommanDollar

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes and Magic: the Gathering player. Married. Probably awake at hours that shouldn't exist.

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